Competition – Register
Reminder : You can use the FPS ID. 0468777 or through Bank of China (Hong Kong) account number “012-883-1-040740-4”, account name “Hong Kong Gifted Education Association Limited” to deposit . When paying the fee, please indicate the student’s name. After the payment, please send the related information to WhatsApp +852 63595241 to complete the registration procedure. If the registration is successful, no refund will be provided.
比賽 – 報名
温馨提示 : 可透過轉數快識別碼 0468777 或經中國銀行(香港)帳戶號碼 “012-883-1-040740-4”, 帳戶名稱“Hong Kong Gifted Education Association Limited” 入數。 繳費時, 請註明學生姓名。 過數後, 請將相關資料 WhatsApp +852 63595241, 才完成報名手續。如報名成功, 均不設退款。